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Logotipe Ventorrillo El Chato
Reservations Ventorrillo El Chato


To book a table at Ventorrillo El Chato you have to fill out the form by choosing the date, if you want lunch or dinner and the number of diners.

The system will show availability. If there is no availability on the day you’ve chosen the system offers other days to book.

Confirm reservation by entering your name, phone and email and reservation will be made automatically.

In your email inbox will come a message with data from the reservation.

For our clients and workers safety, we ask for punctuality


Restaurant Hours

Marine Food Calling Info  KITCHEN SCHEDULE

Monday to Sunday:
- 13.30 h. to 23.00 h.

Marine Food Calling Info  DINING HOURS

Monday to Sunday:
- 13.30 h. to 00.00 h.


Marine Food Calling Info

(+34) 956 250 025

(+34) 956 257 116

12.00 h. to 14.00 h. (Monday to Sunday)